Best Sweet Love Messages

1. I just woke up, and you are already on my mind!

You can’t go wrong sending an adorably sweet good morning text like this one. Brighten their day instantly!

2. Good morning my love. I hope you have an amazing day.

Wishing your partner a good day is always a great idea. They’ll certainly appreciate it and hey, you might actually make their day THAT much better!

3. Good morning sexy. I can’t wait until my eyes get to see that beautiful smile tonight!

This sweet text gives them a compliment and also lets them know you can’t wait to see them- double win in our book!

4. I never thought I would like you this much, and I never thought you’d be on my mind this much <3.

Trust me- your partner wants to know how much you like them and how often they’re on your mind. This is the perfect sweet text to send them!

5. God was wise for not putting a price tag on you: There’s no way I could afford a boyfriend/girlfriend as amazing as you.

This adorable text message has the cuteness factor as well as the cheesy factor that is BOUND to make them smile. We’re loving everything about this cute little text!

6.  Whenever you need someone to be there for you, I’ll always be sitting right next to you through it all.

You should always reinsure your partner you’re there for them no matter what.

7.  I could never get tired of you, even if I spent every last second with you. In fact, the more time we spend together, the more I grow to like you and your company. 

Is this not one of the sweetest things you’ve ever read? People love it when they know you enjoy their company. It eases their mind about possibly annoying someone or overstaying their welcome. Love it!

8. I wish I could be with you 8 days a week, 25 hours a day- I just can’t ever seem to get enough of you.

Aww, now I wish someone would send this to me. This is just too cute for words.

9. All day I listen to people talk. But the moment I hear your sweet voice, the noises of the world around me are drowned out- all I can hear is your sweet, fragile voice.

10. To the world, you’re just one person. But to me, you’re the world.

Now that’s just downright adorable.

11. You still give me butterflies to this day.

Who said the butterflies had to go away after time? Let your baby know they still give you that warm and cozy feeling on the inside, even to this day.
12. My heart still skips a beat every time I see your face.

If the butterflies haven’t left, the rapid heartbeat probably hasn’t either, right? Let them know!
13. You know you love someone when you save their texts and re-read them when no one is watching <3

 Super cute text message that will encourage them to keep sending those adorable text messages you love so much!
14. I love seeing you happy, and my biggest reward is seeing you smile. I know life can be cruel, but that’s why I’m here: to show you life can be amazing and full of joy and love.

 We just can’t get enough of this sweet text message. It’s everything your mate will want to hear and more.
15. Read this text message and know that the sender loves you incredibly much!

Something as simple as this text can really make their day, so the next time you’re in the mood to send your partner something undeniably sweet, try this one out!

16. It’s not my fault I love you so much! It’s yours!!

This adorable, cute, and ultra sweet text message is sure to make them smile. We love this silly, yet utterly sweet text!

17. My love for you is a journey: it starts at forever and ends at never.

I think we can all agree that this text is seriously smooth.

18. Loving you is just like breathing- I can’t stop!

It might be just a little bit silly, but it’s totally sweet at the same time, right?! We think it is the PERFECT combination to make your partner’s day.

19. I love you = 831. 8 Letters, 3 words, and only 1 meaning.

I bet you never knew that before you read this blog, right? How totally awesome is that? Aside from this text message being totally mind-blowing, it’s also incredibly cute. Winning combination!

20. I feel so comfortable when I am around you, like I can be myself.

Isn’t that all we really want in the end?

21. Let’s play a game of ‘scratch and win’!

Congratulations, you won my heart!

Who doesn’t love an adorable little love version of ‘scratch and win’? Let your partner take a risk on love and have some fun with this super cute and sweet text!

22. Ugh, there’s something I can’t get off my mind. Know what it is? You! Can’t wait to see you!

 This is definitely a text message that is going to light up your partner’s face. I mean, why wouldn’t it? This sweet text is super cheesy and just too cute to handle. Love it!
 23. With every passing moment, I come THAT much closer to seeing you tonight. Can’t wait to be in your arms and kiss those luscious lips.

Your lover wants to feel needed. They want to feel loved. And you know what? This is the text message that will get the job done. The perfect message to send if you’re planning on seeing your love tonight!

24. Every day I wake up with a smile on my face. And you’re the reason for that smile.

THEY are the reason you smile every morning? Wow, that’s pretty deep. We love this text because it’s full of passion and will make your lover feel good about themselves. Maybe they’ll start waking up with an even bigger smile after reading this!

25. I love you more with each passing day. Never forget that.

It might be a little bit short, but this text message is so incredibly deep and meaningful. Trust me, your lover wants to read this- probably multiple times a day!

26. Before I met you, I never knew what it was like to look at someone and smile for absolutely no reason.

This one just makes my heart melt. Anyone would love to hear that, since everyone loves to be the reason someone may smile for no reason. Heart = melted.

27.  If nothing lasts forever, can I be your nothing?

We have to admit: this text message is a little on the corny side, but there’s something about it that makes us giggle, too. And there’s nothing wrong with that! (In fact, it’s almost preferred).

28. Yesterday I loved you, tomorrow I will think of you. You know what? I love you. 

At the end of the day, there’s nothing else to say than I LOVE YOU! And THAT’S why we love this text.

29. Your fingers woud fit the empty spaces between my fingers perfectly <3

Have you ever read something more adorable than this? We can’t think of anything much cuter! This text has it all: cuteness, sweetness, oh, and of course it’s a great way to invite your partner to hold your hand whenever they want. We see a whole lot of hand holding in the two of your’s futures!

30. A KISS is purely organic and naturally sweet. It has absolutely no artificial ingredients and it’s 100 percent wholesome. And here’s one for you: MUAH! 

31. Please let me know what I did to deserve someone like you; I want to make sure I keep doing it! 

This text message is certainly one that will make them feel special. Bonus: they will also tell you what things you do that they LOVE, so you CAN keep doing them! That makes things a lot easier for you, right?

32. The shortest word I know is “I”. The sweetest word I know is “love”. And the person I will never forget is “YOU”!

There’s something about this text that is just simply perfect. It’s pretty clever if you ask me, and I bet whoever gets this text will be super happy to read it.

33. You have this amazing way of making me happy no matter what.

People love to make others happy, and it’s a huge bonus if we can make someone happy NO MATTER WHAT. Even when you’re sad, even when you’re made- does that certain someone make you smile? You should definitely let them know with a cute and super sweet text like this.

34. I am willing to do anything to make you smile.

This is just one of those statements that we always want to hear from our partners. It’s just something that makes us feel incredibly special and utterly important. Send your partner this text. And that’s an order.

35. If words are not enough to say ‘I love you’, I will shower you with all my hugs and kisses.

I think we can all agree that sometimes it’s just impossible to say ‘I love you’. There’s not enough words in the dictionary that could ever explain our love. And that’s where the hugs and kisses come in! Show your partner you love them with an incredibly sweet text like this.

36. Your love is more precious to me than any diamonds.

Some people are so caught up in material goods- especially diamonds. But we always need to remember that love is always more precious than anything materialistic, no matter how expensive it might be. Remind your partner that you’re not in it for the earrings at Christmas or the diamond rings at engagements; you’re purely in it for the love that your partner gives you.

37. I will not allow anything to come between us.

 Definitely another one of those comments that we all want to hear from our partners. I mean, what better thing to read then a text message like this? A message like this makes our relationship feel powerful, strong, and passionate. A relationship that can survive no matter what. Trust me, you can’t go wrong with a text message like this.
38. You are the perfect girl/guy for me.

Sometimes simplicity is best. Although this text message is small in its stature, it’s exactly what your partner wants to hear. There’s nothing like hearing “you’re perfect” from somebody you love.

39. If you need someone to talk to, just call me. I’ll always make myself available for you.

40. I may not be Superman, but I’ll always protect you.

Any girl would be happy to get this text message from their man. After all, men are supposed to be our protectors, right? And we love a man who is willing to protect us in all those scary and frightening situations. With this text, she’ll melt for you almost instantly. I mean, how sweet is this?

41. They say that time is golden, but time spent with you is absolutely priceless.

This text message means so much. It shows that you seriously enjoy every second spent with your partner. It shows that you actually enjoy spending your time with them and don’t think of it as a ‘waste’. You can’t go wrong with something as incredibly sweet as this.

42. Could you stop being so lovely? You’re driving me crazy with your loveliness!

Now how cute is this!? We love it! Plus you could easily replace ‘lovely’ with a ton of other adjectives like cute, funny, handsome, beautiful, smart- whatever you want! Super versatile, so feel free to send this text message every once in awhile with a different adjective describing your lover.

43. They could take all of my possessions, and it wouldn’t matter as long as I have you.

Did anyone else say ‘aww’ when they read this text message? This is just too sweet and too cute. We think anyone would love to see this text in their inbox!

44. No matter how horrible my day went, when you smile, everything is alright. 

Does their smile light up your life, even when everything else is wrong? You should definitely let them know with a text message like this!

45. I love you, I miss you, and I can’t wait to see you today!

Simple, sweet, and to the point. Perfection!

46. We are a perfect match. I love you.

There’s no other text message that is as sweet (or simple) as this one here. It’s just a few short words, but they’re full of love! Who said meaningful text messages had to be 3 pages long?

47. You have my heart. Keep it safe.

I just can’t get over how CUTE this text message is. Definitely send this one!

48. Every minute I spend away from you is a minute I waste.

This is a wonderful text message to show your lover just how much you love them and just want to be with them!

49. Every time I see you, I love you more than before.

I really don’t think this text message needs an explanation. I mean, just read it! It’s SO amazingly sweet and will definitely give your partner that warm and fuzzy feeling on the inside. My heart melted, how about yours?

50. If I was a planet and you were my moon, I’d stop spinning just by looking at you.

Did someone call for a super cheesy, yet totally sweet text message? Well here it is! The pick up line of all pick up lines that will make your partner smile each and every time they read it. We love this one, and think your lover will end up with a huge grin on their face after reading it. We love this!

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